There are several defamation that have ever been and evermore will be totally undemanding in the US and international as all right. Some of these traducement have origins in the scripture or have a philosophical discernment meaning, and others have varied and industrialized ended the time of life from past cultures. Whatever the apology - these names are timeless, and accept great weightiness to umteen. Some of these name calling have been circa for a numeral of decades and are lifeless as significant today as they were past. Here you will find the US Social Security Administration\\'s inventory of top 100 defamation specified to female babies in the US in 2006, as healthy as illumination of the significant for the top 5 hatchet job.
#1: Emily
Medieval feminine form of Aemilius
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Famous bearers of this name: Emily Bronte, The notable British contributor (\\"Wuthering Heights\\") and Emily Dickinson.
#2 Emma
The hometown of this term is Teutonic, and the intent is Universal, Whole.
Emma was the dub of the mother of Edward the priest.
Also, in the novel \\"Emma\\" by Jane Austin this is the chief character - Emma Woodhouse, The intermediator.
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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Alexander Herzen and the Free Russian Press in London: 1852 to 1866
#3 Madison
This name\\'s source is in German and Old English. It technique \\"Son of a mighty warrior\\",
\\"Son of Maud\\".
A nickname merely once in a blue moon used past 1985, became quickly severely favorite according to the US Social guarantee Administration. A latent use for this is the picture \\"Splash\\" , wherever the imaginary being contend by Daryl Hannah adopts the pet name \\"Madison\\", After sighted the highway forecast of Madison approach.
Madison is as well used, in spite of this to a lesser extent, as a priapic label.
#4 Abigail
This identify originates in the Old Testament, as the label of sovereign david\\'s wife.
Literally gist in Hebrew (avi-gail): \\"My parent is Joy\\".
#5 Olivia
This entitle was originally created by Shakespeare, for his theatre \\"The ordinal night\\". It is believed to be a feminine revision of \\"Oliver\\", or based on the Latin
\\"Oliva\\", gist Olive. In Shakespeare\\'s Play this is the imaginary being of a aristocrat female who is wooed by Duke Orsino but she falls inlove beside another man.
Top 100 young lady child names:
1. Emily
2. Emma
3. Madison
4. Abigail
5. Olivia
6. Isabella
7. Hannah
8. Samantha
9. Ava
10. Ashley
11. Sophia
12. Elizabeth
13. Alexis
14. Grace
15. Sarah
16. Alyssa
17. Mia
18. Natalie
19. Chloe
20. Brianna
21. Lauren
22. Ella
23. Anna
24. Taylor
25. Kayla
26. Hailey
27. Jessica
28. Victoria
29. Jasmine
30. Sydney
31. Julia
32. Destiny
33. Morgan
34. Kaitlyn
35. Savannah
36. Katherine
37. Alexandra
38. Rachel
39. Lily
40. Megan
41. Kaylee
42. Jennifer
43. Angelina
44. Makayla
45. Allison
46. Brooke
47. Maria
48. Trinity
49. Lillian
50. Mackenzie
51. Faith
52. Sofia
53. Riley
54. haley
55. Gabrielle
56. Nicole
57. Kylie
58. Katelyn
59. Zoe
60. Paige
61. Gabriella
62. Jenna
63. Kimberly
64. Stephanie
65. Alexa
66. Avery
67. Andrea
68. Leah
69. Madeline
70. Nevaeh
71. Evelyn
72. Maya
73. Mary
74. Michelle
75. Jada
76. Sara
77. Audrey
78. Brooklyn
79. Vanessa
80. Amanda
81. Ariana
82. Rebecca
83. Caroline
84. Amelia
85. Mariah
86. Jordan
87. Jocelyn
88. Arianna
89. Isabel
90. Marissa
91. Autumn
92. Melanie
93. Aalivah
94. Gracie
95. Claire
96. Isabelle
97. Molly
98. Mya
99. Diana
100. Katie
Still touch your new baby\\'s heading is not any of the above?
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